2) Gujral, A., Misiewicz, T., Hauser, C., Carter, B., 2021, “Natural History and Demography of the Imperiled Redwood Forest Specialist Pedicularis dudleyi (Dudley’s Lousewort, Orobanchaceae),” Madroño
1) Lambrecht, S., Gujral, A., Renshaw, L., Rosengreen, L. 2019, “Evolutionary and plastic changes in a native annual plant after an historic drought,” Ecology and Evolution. doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6156
6) Gujral, A., Simonin, K., 2021. "Investigating leaf trait coordination and its role in determining habitat suitability under current and future climates." Poster at the Ecological Society of America virtual conference.
5) Gujral, A., Simonin, K., 2021. "Investigating leaf trait coordination and its role in determining habitat suitability under current and future climates." Poster at the Botanical Society of America virtual conference.
4) Gujral, A., Simonin, K., 2021. "Investigating leaf trait coordination and its role in determining habitat suitability under current and future climates." Lightning talk at the California Botanical Society virtual symposium.
3) Gujral, A., Carter, B., 2020, "The reproductive biology and life history of a rare redwood forest specialist, Dudley's Lousewort (Pedicularis dudleyi)," Poster at the Northern California Botanists Symposium, Chico, CA. Awarded second place in the Student Poster Competition. www.norcalbotanists.org/files/NCB_2020_Poster12_Gujral.pdf
2) Gujral, A., Rosengreen, L., Lambrecht, S. 2019. Evolution and plasticity of flowering time of Leptosiphon bicolor (Polemoniaceae) in response to an historic California drought. Poster at the Botanical Society of America Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ. 1) Gujral, A., Renshaw, L., Rosengreen, L., Lambrecht, S. 2019. Evolution and plasticity of flowering time of Leptosiphon bicolor (Polemoniaceae) in response to an historic California drought. Poster at the SJSU College of Science Student Research Fair, San José, CA